

My Opinion:

There is a saying that allot of people use that I like allot and it says something like, "no pressure, no sound, no job." The reason I bring this up is because I want to make clear that there is no such thing as a no pressure system. There will always be pressure. We need pressure, but there although we need pressure if we use our air right we can avoid using as much pressure as the average player would use. I would know like to quote two thing from Mr. Gordon's "Systematic Approach to Daily Practice for Trumpet":

  1. There is no such thing as "no pressure," and it is benficial to dismiss the subject from your mind and let proper development by routine practice take care of the amount of pressure.
  2. When ascending to higher register, the lip should contract toward the mouthpiece. When descending to lower notes the lips should relax.


Bb Music
Donovan's Trumpet Page
Bb Trumpet
Decreasing Pressure
Roddy Trumpet