Articles on Technique


My Opinion on technique :

When it comes to technique and dexterity it is very simple to master this on the trumpet,
it’s not easy but it’s simple. You simply have to practice. Get your Arban out and play the
double tonguing exercises until lips get tired or practice your scales until you have all of
your minor and major scales memorized. Challenge yourself. Use a metronome. The only
way you can and will only get better is if you challenge yourself and dedicate yourself to
improve. You simply have to practice and commit yourself. There is no easy or shortcut
around it. You just have to practice. During summertime when we’re in vacation instead
of wasting 2 hours watching some TV show that we’ve seen 1 trillion times use that time
to practice your trumpet. I know it’s boring but it’s the only way you will get better.
During the school year when I get home about 3pm. I do my homework for about 1 hour I
eat and then spend 4 hours doing scales and other technical studies. Trust me, at the end it
will pay off. Here is one quote from the late Claude Gordon that I want to leave you off with " Get accuracy first and then the speed will develop easily."


Other Opinions/Articles :

OJ's Trumpet Site
OJ's Trumpet Site
OJ's Trumpet Site
Trumpet Topics
Technique and Routies http://www-it.hive.no/oj/musikk/trompet/exercise/Routines_and_Techniques.html


Books :

Recommended Reading
Grand Method Saint-Jacome
Herber L. Clarke - Characteristic Studies
H.L. Clarke Technical Studies for the Cornet